Pasionat din adolescenta de snowboarding, Ionel este un monitor de snowboard ideal atat pentru copiii cat si pentru adultii la inceput de drum dar si pentru cei care doresc sa isi perfectioneze sau sa-si imbunatateasca abilitatile de snowboarding.
Explica cu blandete celor mici si comunica usor cu acestia dar si cu cei mari, atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza.
Motto-ul sau? Siguranta pe primul loc!
Astfel vei invata din primele minute cele mai esentiale reguli de siguranta privind echipamentul si desfasurarea pe partie.
Interval disponibil 10:00 – 18:00.
Programeaza-ti primele ore de snowboarding chiar acum si prinde intervalul dorit, suna la numarul de telefon +40 (748) 948 786.
*Modificarea intervalului programat se anunta cu minim 24h in avans.
Passionate about snowboarding as a teenager, Ionel is an ideal snowboard monitor for both children and adults in the beginning of the journey, but also for those who want to improve their snowboarding skills.
Explains gently to the little ones and communicate easily with them but also with the big ones, both in Romanian and in English.
His motto? Safety first!
This way you will learn in the first minutes the most essential safety rules regarding the equipment and the development on the slope.
Available from 10:00 to 18:00.
Schedule your first hours of snowboarding right now and catch the desired interval, call the phone number +40 (748) 948 786.
* The change of the scheduled interval is announced at least 24 hours in advance.